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The purpose of the teacher evaluation process in Lexington Four is to promote personal and professional growth for every teacher that leads to improved student performance. We believe that professional growth occurs best through a learning and evaluation process that encourages self-reflection and meaningful conversations focused on classroom practice.
The SC Expanded ADEPT evaluation process is designed for the continuous professional development of educators at all performance levels through an evaluation system that is valid, reliable, and fair and produces actionable and constructive feedback in support of professional growth. Teachers professional practice is assessed across four domains: Instruction, Environment, Planning, and Professionalism. The SCTS 4.0 rubric is designed to provide meaningful feedback and is aligned to professional growth and development specific to individual teacher needs.
Your school and district administration are committed to your success as a professional educator!
Educator Effectiveness Links
SCDE Office of Educator Effectiveness
Expanded ADEPT Teacher Evaluation